Post Office Located at 1901 Johnson Ave, Kingman, Arizona, AZ, 86401-9996

#139 out of 297 Post Offices in the State of Arizona

Kingman in Arizona (AZ), 86401-9996 is a city with a population of people. Its residents have a median income of $. The local post office is located at 1901 Johnson Ave, Kingman. It handles an estimated mails and packages per year. It employs an estimated staff.

Kingman Post Office

NOTICE: The Service is an essential goverment service, and will remain open wherever possible

1901 Johnson Ave, Kingman, Arizona, AZ, 86401-9996

Contact Numbers

Phone: 928-753-2480

Fax: 928-753-3031

TTY: 877-889-2457

Toll-Free: 1-800-ASK-USPS


See More Hours

Online Services and Resources

  • Print a Label with Postage
  • Schedule a Pickup
  • Buy Stamps
  • Forward Mail
  • Reserve or Renew a PO Box
  • Schedule a Redelivery
  • Mailing Requirements
  • Media/Press Contacts
  • Vandalism/Theft

Nearby Self-Service Kiosks

Nearby Alternate Locations

1901 Johnson Ave, Kingman, Arizona, AZ, 86401-9996 Post Office Estimates*

Annual Operating Revenue

* These estimates were determined by taking the national statistics for each of these measures as provided by the USPS and then determining the proportion of that total for each city based on that city’s population according to the 2020 US Census.
